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ASEAN-Korea Centre] 2022 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest

ASEAN-Korea Centre] 2022 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest

ASEAN-Korea Centre] 2022 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest

The ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) looks forward to receiving proposals in promoting the ASEAN-Korea relationship and suggestions as to how ASEAN and Korea can further expand and deepen their cooperation towards a more sustainable ASEAN-Korea partnership. You may refer to attachments for more details and requirements.


1. AKC Call for Proposals

2. AKC Proposal Guidelines

3. AKC Application & Consent form

4. AKC Academic Recommendation

In this regard, to better support participants’ understanding on the Contest, the Centre avails the zoom session on April 30, at 12:30 (KST). Throughout the session, program officer in charge will provide an overview of the Contest and have a live Q&A. Pre-registration is available here (https://forms.gle/LNwvyRmsbW8pvY3v7).


  • Call for proposals is only for proposal submission. Selected proposals will be notified via email on June 27, 2022.
  • Only selected proposals will proceed to the essay stage.
  • All participants who enter the essay stage will receive a certificate of participation.
  • For any inquiries, please contact us at Information and Data Unit,

Tel: +82 2 2284-1144 or Email: essay@aseankorea.org

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