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TIGERLAUNCH Competition, by NUS & Princeton

TIGERLAUNCH Competition, by NUS & Princeton

TIGERLAUNCH Competition, by NUS & Princeton

NUS entrepreneurship society is organizing a start-up pitch competition TIGERLAUNCH and co-hosting it with Princeton University. TIGERLAUNCH is the world’s largest student-led start-up pitch competition and has a global presence in the US, Europe and for the very first time, in Asia.
The Asia regional rounds will be held virtually via zoom so we are opening sign-ups to all universities in Asia!
To date, TIGERLAUNCH have raised a combined $600m in venture funding. The winner from the Asia regional rounds will compete in Princeton and stand a chance to win $40,000USD in cash prizes, no strings attached and $50,000 in AWS credits. More details can be found here: www.tigerlaunch.com/apply

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