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KNB Program at ITB

Updated: July 28, 2022

About the KNB Program

The KNB Scholarship Program is a scholarship program provided by the Government of Indonesia to prospective students coming from fellow developing countries to study full time to complete an academic degree at Indonesian universities, including Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The term ‘KNB’ stands for Kemitraan Negara Berkembang or Partnerships (for) Developing Countries. ITB accepts master’s and doctoral students (this may change from year to year).

The website for the KNB Scholarship program is here. Prospective students from developing countries can check with the Indonesian Embassy or General Consulate in their countries. For more information about Institut Teknologi Bandung, please visit our website. For information about the study programs offered by each faculty / school, please visit this page.

At ITB, the KNB Program is managed by the Bureau of Partnerships, especially its International Relations Office.

Files and Links

ONE-PAGER for International Students (updated: July, 2022)

CONTACT POINTS for KNB students (updated: July 2022)

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT STORIES, including posts from KNB students

Important Information for Existing KNB students

  • Scholarship term(s) for KNB students are three years (or 36 months) for Master’s students and four years (or 48 months) for Doctoral students, starting from August in the year of admission to July of the final academic year year.
  • ITB’s graduation periods are April, July, and October. If you graduate in April of the final academic year, April is the final month you will receive the scholarship (May – July scholarship will not be provided anymore).
  • Overall, international students are not allowed to work in Indonesia. Nevertheless, as KNB students, you can attempt to approach a professor or a lecturer at ITB to be part of his/her funded project. If funding is available, you may also participate in the KNB Voucher Program by IRO ITB (launched in July-August 2022, see below).
  • At ITB, monthly allowance is provided only if you reside in Indonesia more than 15 days of a given month. If you are not in Indonesia but are doing one or more activities related to your academic program (such as thesis, research related to your study program at ITB), the monthly allowance will also be provided to you. Please ask the Head of your Study Program to provide a letter to IRO ITB explaining your purpose of going outside Indonesia, including the period of your overseas stay.
  • You are required to depart from Indonesia 30 days after the date of the graduation. You are strongly advised to indicate your date of departure from Indonesia one month in advance before their expected departure. Make sure that your stay permit is still valid (students should contact IRO ITB one to months in advance to extend their stay permit, if it is necessary to extend). If because of some critical situations happening in your country of origin, which make you unable to return to your country of origin, please ask your Embassy to write a letter to the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology) of the Republic of Indonesia explaining your situation and the copy of the letter to IRO ITB. In the letter, please explain the request of whether there is an alternative country proposed as your alternative destination.
  • Whenever you experience (physical) sickness and need to check in to the doctor or go to the hospital, please use your insurance that is provided to you as part of the package of the KNB scholarship.

Some Documentations

KNB Graduation Celebration – July 2022