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Traveling Around


Bandung is a quite safe city to stay and travel. It is safe to walk on the streets during the day. If you go out late at night, it is better to use licensed online transportation. Keep an eye on your personal belongings and pockets in crowded areas such as tourist attractions and streets because pickpockets may be around.

This city is surrounded by active volcanoes and several faults that might cause natural disasters. Before visiting Bandung, you can explore the current situation by keeping track of local media.



Angkot, a kind of minibus that travel to all corners of the city, is the public transportation system that is most available in Bandung. The fare of angkot is quite cheap, about IDR 2,000 – 5,000. The bus routes in this city are not as many as the routes for angkot. You cannot hop in and out anywhere if you ride on a bus. Angkot mostly has routes on roadways and do not pass certain locations.

Nowadays, there are also online transportation services. With those apps, you can easily find the nearest car riders or motorcycle riders who will pick you up from your location and take you wherever you want to go. The fare varies as it depends on how far your destination is from the pickup location, though car services are typically more expensive than motorcycle services.