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European Research Days (ERD) 2020, 19 October -26 October 2020

European Research Days (ERD) 2020, 19 October -26 October 2020

European Research Days (ERD) 2020, 19 October -26 October 2020

The EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam is delighted to invite you to the European Research Days 2020.

EURAXESS and the EU in Indonesia are back with the European Research Days Indonesia 2020. Pencil in the dates for our webinar series and meet with fellow researchers from EU Member States and Indonesia.

Scan the QR code for the complete list of speakers and agenda or click here. Participant registration is now open on bit.ly/ERDIndonesia2020Virtual

For further information please contact: info@eupop-id.eu



EURAXESS dan Uni Eropa kembali menggelar European Research Days Indonesia 2020. Catat tanggalnya untuk partisipasi dalam rangkaian webinar kami dan bersiap menemui  rekan – rekan peneliti dari negara – negara Uni Eropa dan Indonesia.

Scan QR code untuk agenda acara dan pembicara selengkapnya atau klik di sini. Pendaftaran peserta sudah dibuka di: bit.ly/ERDIndonesia2020Virtual

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan contact: info@eupop-id.eu


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