BFI Case Jam 2023
Singapore Management University Business Families Institute invites students to participate in the BFI Case Jam 2023 to be held from 5-6 October 2023.
The Case Jam is a novel two-day case competition with the following unique features:
- Random assignment of students to teams for each day’s challenge. Thus, your students may register for the event individually and need not register as an entire team.
- Individual evaluations of future workplace competencies measured through a proprietary analytics system. Exceptional students will be offered fast-track opportunities for internship and full-time positions with corporate partners.
Prizes will be awarded to universities, teams, and individuals. Please refer to the attached factsheet for more details, or visit the Case Jam website
In addition, on 4th October 2023, there will be a networking event and information workshop with professionals and business leaders.
Factsheet: BFI Case Jam 2023-Factsheet