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POSTECH Summer Program 2024

POSTECH Summer Program 2024

POSTECH Summer Program 2024

POSTECH would like to share the Great Opportunity for students to spend this summer with valuable memories and experiences! Once selected, Students will receive Round-Trip Flight Ticket from POSTECH for the program.

Program Period: 24 June – 2 August 2024
Application Process & Deadline


What to Do

Form & Link



Go over 2024 Lab List File
and find interest research Lab




Contact Professor (Lab) and Get Approved

Letter of Approval

~ 30 April (Tue)


With the Letter of Approval, be nominated by your Home Institution

Letter of Nomination

~ 24 April (Tue)


Apply through our Website

international.postech.ac.kr international.postech.ac.kr 

1 ~ 10 May (Fri)

If you are interested, please send the Letter of Nomination to iro@itb.ac.id by 24 April 2024 to be signed by the Head of Bureau of Partnership.
If you have any inquiries regarding the program, please do not hesitate to contact us via E-mail: exchange-in@postech.ac.kr .

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