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Hokkaido Summer Institute 2023

Hokkaido Summer Institute 2023

Hokkaido Summer Institute 2023

Greeting from Hokkaido University, Japan!

We are glad to inform you that Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI) 2023 information is now available on the website. More than 160 world-leading researchers from overseas will provide lectures with the university’s faculty members for five months during the summer for the HSI, which was established in 2016 and more than 1,100 international students have participated so far. From 2020, we also accept applications from non-students.

There will be 349 courses (250 graduate courses and 99 undergraduate courses) from June 1st to October 31st, 2023. Each course conducted in English is worth 1 academic credit. Most of the courses run for one or two weeks. Students can tailor their own summer program by combining courses according to their major and interests. Many courses have an option of online format.

In 2023, HSI will offer more Japanese language/culture courses. There will be five levels of Japanese language courses from introductory to pre-intermediate which enable students to find the course that suits their levels. Topics that Japanese culture courses discuss include politic, economy, school education and more.

Tuition fee will be waived for students who enroll in the program as exchange students from HU’s partner institutions with which HU has concluded a memorandum of understanding on mutual tuition waivers (except for HSI Extension/Professional Program in Japanese courses). All students from the partner institutions can take this tuition waiver and the number of HSI students is not included in the exchange quota.


Face-to-face: 222Online: 127

Application period

March 6 (Mon.) – 15 (Wed.), 2023 (All courses)For the additional application periods, please refer to the website on https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/en/

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