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Future Research Talent (FRT) 2022 – Australian National University

Future Research Talent (FRT) 2022 – Australian National University

Future Research Talent (FRT) 2022 – Australian National University

The Future Research Talent (FRT) 2022 Program provides an opportunity for ITB’s students and staff to conduct research remotely under the supervision of an ANU professor / faculty member. Please check the flyer and following website for more detailed information.

Application Process

To apply, please send your application to IRO ITB (iro@itb.ac.id) by March 7, 11:00 am (GMT+7 / WIB). In your application, please provide the following (all in PDF file):

  1. List of three research groups (see the above website) that you intend to do research with and your motivation to want to your research with the research group(s)
  2. Your academic transcript(s)
  3. Your most recent CV

After the above deadline and after you are selected to go to the next round, IRO ITB will direct you to the program’s online application portal (with a unique nomination ID that will be provided to you). Only a handful of students / staff will be nominated. In your application in the portal, you will be asked to submit two academic reference letters, academic transcript(s), and your recent CV. IMPORTANT: Please do not contact any ANU’s professor at this stage.

Important Dates

March 7, 2022 (Application Deadline to IRO ITB)
March 11, 2022 (Selection Deadline from IRO ITB)
March 20, 2022 (Application Deadline to ANU’s Application Portal)


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