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[ASEAN-Korea Centre] Request for Promotion of the 6th ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest

[ASEAN-Korea Centre] Request for Promotion of the 6th ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest

[ASEAN-Korea Centre] Request for Promotion of the 6th ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest

The AKC is hosting the 2021 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest with Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Seoul National University Asia Center.

Students are invited to write about one of the three given themes, and up to 10 teams will be selected after evaluation by a qualified panel. The winners will be awarded with cash prizes and opportunities for winning essay presentation at a webinar and publication in academic journals.

In this respect, we would like to seek your cooperation to encourage students for more engagement. Attached herein is the event poster and call for paper document. You may also visit the AKC official website for more information.

The link is as shared below:


Should you have any questions regarding the contest, please do not hesitate to contact us at essay@aseankorea.org.

2. Call for Papers_2021 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest 2021

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