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PARE Online Spring School 2021 (TIGHT DEADLINE)

PARE Online Spring School 2021 (TIGHT DEADLINE)

We are happy to announce that PARE Online Spring School 2021 

Period: March 1 – 6, 2021

The PARE Program offers graduate students, especially master-degree students, the opportunity to work together with other students majoring in different fields with diverse national and cultural backgrounds to create solutions to various issues related to the sustainable management and use of resources in the PARE (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments) chain.

The lectures will be delivered via both real time online session and on demand. VR will be used for some parts so this will be a new experience for the program and participants as well.     
Credits: 2 credits can be earned at HU for this school (Seminar:1, Fieldwork:1).

Please note:

➀PARE would like to welcome 2-3 students per university.

➁NO participation fee will be required.

➂Please make sure that the participants need to attend all online lectures /discussion and study lectures (on demand)


  1. Master student (who are not taking any courses in Semester 2 2020-2021 / just writing thesis)
  2. English ability: min. TOEIC 740, TOEFL (ITP/iBT/CBT) scores of at least 550/80/213, IELTS 5.5 or other English certification that is equal/similar to the above
  3. Have an outstanding academic record and demonstrated strong personnel character at their home institution
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.30 (based on the JASSO evaluation scale) from the previous academic year. If the previous academic year’s GPA is not available, student can calculate their GPA from the previous semester

Required document:

  1. CV
  2. Academic transcript (minimum GPA of 2.30 – based in the JASSO evaluation scale) 
  3. min. TOEIC 740, TOEFL (ITP/iBT/CBT) scores of at least 550/80/213, IELTS 5.5
  4. Motivation Letter

Further details about the program: https://pare.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/en/

IRO Application Deadline: January 20,2021, 15.00 WIB

Send to iro@itb.ac.id

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