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Open Applications for Scholarships in Austria 2021-2022

Open Applications for Scholarships in Austria 2021-2022

With 72 higher education institutions and more than 2,000 degree programmes Austria offers a broad and versatile spectrum of study and research options.

Austria as a location for science and research excels due to its high quality of life, social security and modern infrastructure in a central location. The universities of music and the arts enjoy international renown. Approximately a quarter of the students in Austria are international students.

Therefore, we would like to inform you about open applications for scholarships in Austria, which you can find here: https://oead.at/en/news/article/2020/11/calls-for-applications-for-scholarships-for-the-year-202122/

General information on studying in Austria is accessible on the homepage of the Austrian Exchange Service – OEAD (https://oead.at/en/to-austria/) or here: https://studyinaustria.at/

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