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HEAT scholarship program for AUN faculty members

HEAT scholarship program for AUN faculty members

The Korean Council for University Education (KCUE)  in collaboration with the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF) launched Higher Education for ASEAN Talents (HEAT), a full scholarship opportunity for ASEAN faculty members to support the acquisition of a doctoral degree in the Republic of Korea.  
Each year 30 scholarship recipients from 10 ASEAN Members States will be selected (3 persons per country), and each person will receive a full scholarship for three years. Participants will receive a Doctoral degree from a Korean university after completion of the program.  
Application Process– Application submission: September 2020- Announcement of successful candidates: December 2020- Course start: March 2021

University Deadline of Submission  Application Website
Chung-Ang University 2020.9.18 https://oia.cau.ac.kr/bbs/board.php?tbl=bbs64&mode=VIEW&num=6&category=&findType=&findWord=&sort1=&sort2=&it_id=&shop_flag=&mobile_flag=&page=1
Ewha Womans University 2020.9.14 ~ 9.25   isa.ewha.ac.kr  [Admission – HEAT]
Jeonbuk National University 2020.9.14 ~ 9.25 http://www.jbnu.ac.kr/eng/?menuID=426&mode=view&no=175https://graduate.jbnu.ac.kr/graduate/8859/subview.do?enc=Zm5jdDF8QEB8JTJGYmJzJTJGZ3JhZHVhdGUlMkYxMzE4JTJGMTc5MTkzJTJGYXJ0Y2xWaWV3LmRvJTNG
Kangwon National University 2020.10. 5. http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/english/contents.do?key=1955&
Korea University 2020.9.07. ~ 9.18.(online application) 2020.9.07. ~ 9.25. (document submission) (Description)http://graduate2.korea.ac.kr/gradeng/about/notice.do?mode=view&articleNo=146402&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10&totalNoticeYn=N&totalBoardNo=(Online apply)http://ipsi3.uwayapply.com/foreign/korea/?CHA=3  
Kyung Hee University 2020.10.13 https://gskh.khu.ac.kr/index/

[HEAT] 2020-2 HEAT Application Form_KCUE

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