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Erasmus KA1 exchange studies at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Erasmus KA1 exchange studies at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

ITB students are very welcome to apply for the exchange semester or two at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

Please find the list of available courses in English and general information for incoming students:

 VGTU_list_of_available_courses_in_english 2016 2017

Please note, that students can choose courses from different faculties, however there might be overlaps in the timetable afterwards and they might have to make some changes after arrival.


For more information on courses please take a look at course description. If there are some questions on a course or if you intend to come for final thesis/project please contact the coordinator of the faculty this course/study field belongs to.


Academic Calendar:


Autumn semester Lectures: 2016-09-01 – 2016-12-23;

Examination Session: 2017-01-02 – 2017-01-20


Spring semester Lectures: 2017-02-01 – 2017-05-26;

Examination Session: 2017-05-29 – 2017-06-23


Orientation Days for Incoming Students: August 29-31, 2016. Therefore all incoming students should provisionally plan their arrival before this date.


·         After admission procedures exchange students are provided with a Mentor (the Mentor contacts accepted student by e-mail) and with the accommodation* options.



After successfully completing the application procedures and getting accepted for exchange studies at VGTU students will be entitled for  scholarship of 750 Euros/month.

Every incoming student will have to open a bank account right after arrival to Lithuania and will have to sign the financial agreement once the account has been opened so VGTU would have the grounds for scholarship transfer. The whole procedure might take up to 2 weeks after student arrival therefore students have to plan covering their expenses for the first two weeks until the scholarship will be transferred.

Two payments of the scholarship are planned to be made (70 %+30%), the second payment will be made at the end of mobility.

that will be paid in



Students who need to apply for visa have to make sure they check the list of documents the embassy of Lithuania requires for visa application in their country of residence or in the nearest country if the embassy of Lithuania is not located there. VGTU will provide the accepted  students with the Mediation Letter that confirms the grounds for visa application. The expenses for visa application students have to cover themselves.


Lithuanian language courses


The language of instruction for incoming exchange students is English. However, we encourage all incoming students to learn the basics of local language.


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania is offering Lithuanian state scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers of foreign countries for Lithuanian language and culture summer courses.


During the semester VGTU offers Lithuanian language course that is free of charge. More information about the language course and about the registration for the course  will be provided during the Orientation Days after student arrival in August 2016.


For more information on the admission http://www.vgtu.lt/for-international-students/8058


*The information about the accommodation possibilities http://www.vgtu.lt/for-international-students/-accommodation-/9617

NB! Students can only register for the VGTU dormitory after the admission, once received a confirmation about the acceptance for studies. Students will be provided with a link for VGTU dormitory reservation in June.


  1. Official transcript (in English)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 100
  4. Motivation Letter

Application deadlines:

Autumn semester/full academic year studies – April 19

Spring semester studies – October 14

Please submit the requirements above to the International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung, for further selection process.

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