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Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tokyo Tech (Tokyo Institute of Technology) offers two programs to which graduate level students can apply for the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship and aim to earn their degrees at Tokyo Institute of Technology, which are:

1. The Research Student Program
Website: http://www.iad.titech.ac.jp/intl_students/mext2012/application/r2012.html
Inquiries: International Student Exchange Division, tokyotech.mext@jim.titech.ac.jp
Closing date: November 25, 2011
This program is for the Research Student Program, students will enter Tokyo Tech as research students (non-degree students). They can take an entrance examination during their research period in order to matriculate as a Master’s or Doctoral students. Students from the universities which have academic exchange agreements with Tokyo Tech will be given priority for this program.

2. The International Graduate  Program A [IGP(A)]
Website: http://www.gakumu.titech.ac.jp/nyusi/igp/a_2012_guide/top_2012a.html
Inquiries: Admission Division: ryugakusei@jim.titech.ac.jp
Closing date: December 16, 2011
For the International Graduate Program(A), students can apply from abroad to enroll directly into a Tokyo Tech master’s, Doctoral or Integrated Doctoral program, and will receive notification of acceptance in their home country. Lectures and seminars for the International Graduate Program(A) are in English.

Interested students can apply to either of these programs, but it is not possible to apply to both programs simultaneously.

Successful applicants can start their study from October 2012.

Tokyo Tech’s online prospectus for International students can be found on the following website: http://www.gakumu.titech.ac.jp/nyusi/prospectus/index_e.html