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KIT 2016 Fall Semester Graduate School Admission Guideline for International Students

KIT 2016 Fall Semester Graduate School Admission Guideline for International Students

Kumoh National Institute of Technology are pleased to inform you of 2016 kit Fall Semester Graduate School Admission Guideline for International student.


Please see attached for further information and if you are interested in this program, please send one original application document no later than June 16th 2016.

 2016 Fall Semester Graduate School Admission Guide

[form 1] Application Form for Fall semester 2016

[form 2] Self Introduction_자기소개서

[form 3] Study Plan_수학계획서

[form 4] Recommendation Letter

All required documents must be written by computer typing and send us one original document by post only.

For further information, please see attached or visit website(http://www.kumoh.ac.kr/main.do  ; http://eng.kumoh.ac.kr/e_new/).


Submission Deadline : June 16, 2016


Submission address :

61 Daehak-ro, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, Korea,

Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Techno Building 4th floor, T458, (Postal Code 39177)

International Programs and Language Education Center


Contact Person :

Eugene Park

Office phone number) +82-54-478-7223

E-mail) eugene@kumoh.ac.kr, eugenepark.kit@gmail.com