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IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electronics ,Comp and Computer Technology (ICAECCT) at RSCOE, Pune, Republic of India

IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electronics ,Comp and Computer Technology (ICAECCT) at RSCOE, Pune, Republic of India

Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering(RSCOE) is organizing “IEEE International Conference on Advances  in  Electronics, Communication  and   Computer  Technology (ICAECCT)” on December 2 and 3, 2016.

The conference contains various technical programs such as Insightful Keynote , Speeches, Technical exhibitions, Tutorials of Emerging Ideas and Oral Presentations in Multiple Tracks.

Please find the attached Brochure of the conference for more details:

IEEE ICAECCT-16 Brochure


Also information about Pune city is attached.

For more detail please visit: http://www.icaecct.com

All accepted and presented paper will be submitted to IEEE Xplorer Digital Library for Publication.

The conference is listed on the IEEE Conference Search/Call for Papers :

Topics for conference are,

Embedded Systems & Applications
Digital Signal Processing
Img Processing & Pattern Recognition
Wireless Communication
Advances in Information Technology
Data Mining & Data Warehousing
Natural Language Processing
Parallel & Distributed Processing
Microelectronics & VLSI
Internet of Things
Speech Processing, WSN
Neural Networks and Applications
Software Define Radio
Acaustic Signal Processing
Electronics cooling
Any related topic not covered in above list.


1)Voice over PPT is expected from participants outside India who are unable to physically present their work at the conference. For this prior request must be sent to program chair.

2)Papers (with Voice over PPT)  only after registration will be considered for publication in proceeding.

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