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BritCham Human Capital and Education Member Focus Group – CEO Series: "How Human Capital Development Can Deliver ESG Goals?"

BritCham Human Capital and Education Member Focus Group – CEO Series: "How Human Capital Development Can Deliver ESG Goals?"

More than 8 out of 10 global consumers expect CEOs and their organisations to lead on societal issues, and the top 500 global asset managers place a premium on the sustainability nexus that links ESG principles. Efforts to introduce related robust standards, principles, and metrics to value human capital as part of ESG efforts are accelerating.
Join our panel discussion on how ESG goals can be implemented through the leadership of human capital selection and development processes which advocate and enable the delivery of an ESG strategy, whilst still demanding accountability and transparency on financial exposure to risks, opportunities, governance and fiduciary duty.
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Andrew Harding FCMA, CGMA
CEO of The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
Barry Melancon CPA, CGMA
CEO of The Association of Certified Professional Accountants
Emme Tarigan
HR Director of Grant Thorton
Special Remarks: Melanie J. Kanaka, FCMA, CGMA
President, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and Co-Chair, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

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