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AUN E-Newsletter Issue #156: AUN-TEPL Workplan Seminar 2023

AUN E-Newsletter Issue #156: AUN-TEPL Workplan Seminar 2023

AUN E-Newsletter Issue #156: AUN-TEPL Workplan Seminar 2023

AUN-TEPL Workplan Seminar 2023The AUN-TEPL thematic network will be organising a workplan seminar, themed “Charting the way forward: Empowering learners through Technology-Enhanced Personalised Learning” on 25-26 May 2023. This in-person event is hosted by the Singapore Management University (SMU) and co-organised by Mahidol University (MU) and Universiti Malaya (UM).Since its establishment in 2020, the ASEAN University Technology Enhanced Personalised Learning (AUN-TEPL) Thematic Network has brought together and enriched the teaching community through 3 virtual symposiums, 12 webinars; facilitated exchange of 71 online resources, and the completion of an inter-university research project (2020-2022). Building on these accomplishments, the thematic network is poised to enter its next chapter of inter-university collaboration efforts to forge deeper collaborations, as well as invite more like-minded individuals and change agents from AUN+3 universities to share insights and work together in the implementation of the following collaborative projects:• Co-create faculty development resources that can stimulate TEPL• Facilitate the multi-lateral exchange of online courses for credit transfer across universities• Share and amplify the use of digital learning resources on MERLOT• Collaborate on TEPL research projectsThrough the AUN-TEPL Workplan Seminar 2023, the AUN-TEPL Thematic Network seeks to provide opportunities for registered collaborators to share ideas and pave the way for the successful implementation of the collaborative projects.You are cordially invited to witness the MOU ceremony on 25th May and to join the specially featured livestreaming segments, via Zoom, on both 25th and 26th May 2023.Please visit https://www.auntepl.com/workplanseminar2023 for more details.

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