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Exchange Program at Vilnius Tech, Lithuania

Exchange Program at Vilnius Tech, Lithuania

Exciting news for those interested in expanding their horizons through international exchange! Vilnius Tech in Lithuania is offering an enriching opportunity for exchange students to immerse themselves in a new culture and academic environment.

Nomination should be made by IRO ITB.
Send the following documents to iro@itb.ac.id by 24 April 2024. *Number 1-5 are documents to be uploaded while completing the online application:.
1. A transcript of records in English
2. A copy of passport
3. English language certificate (CEFR B2 or higher level)
4. Bachelor/Master diploma copy (for Master/PhD students only);
5. Portfolio (for Architecture students only)
*Number 6-8 for internal requirements
6. Financial Guarantee Letter. Template here.
7. Health Guarantee Letter. Template here.
8. Recommendation letter issued by the Head of study program (free format)

You have the flexibility to choose between a single semester or a full academic year for your exchange experience. Whether you’re eager to dive into new academic challenges, explore the historic streets of Vilnius, or simply broaden your worldview, this exchange program offers an incredible opportunity for growth and adventure.

For more information about the exchange program and application details, please read this application guideline or reach out to exchange@vilniustech.lt

Don’t miss this chance to make unforgettable memories and further your academic journey!

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