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AUN/SEED-Net calling for scholarship applications for Ph.D. study in Japan

AUN/SEED-Net calling for scholarship applications for Ph.D. study in Japan

AUN/SEED-Net is calling for scholarship applications for Ph.D. study in Japan for Fall 2024 semester.

The Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) scholarship is brought to you by Japan International Cooperation Agency or JICA in cooperation with AUN/SEED-Net. Guidelines, terms & conditions, and application process are available here.

Major field of study: Engineering (10 engineering fields covered by AUN/SEED-Net): Chemical Engineering (ChE), Civil Engineering (CE), Computer and Information Engineering (CIE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Geological and Geo-Resource Engineering (GeoE), Materials Engineering (MatE), Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering (ManuE), Energy Engineering (EneE), Environmental Engineering (EnvE), Natural Disaster (ND)

Receiving institution: Hokkaido University, Keio University, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, Nagoya University, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Osaka University, Shibaura Institute of Technology, The University of Kitakyushu, The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Tokai University, Tokyo City University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology, University of Tsukuba, Waseda University, Yokohama National University

Acceptance period: three years (doctoral program) in addition to the six months as a “research student” before entering the doctoral program if necessary.

Duration: In principle, October 2024 to September 2027 for the Graduate Course.

Language to Be Used in this Program: English

Candidate applicants must meet the following requirements:
(1) Must be a faculty member or student of AUN/SEED-Net MI with an outstanding academic record and a desire to enroll in a doctoral program in Japan. Additionally, they must  demonstrate a strong commitment to contribute to the MI and strengthen the relationship between their country and Japan.
(2) Nationalities eligible: Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Malaysian, Thai, Filipino, and Indonesian.
(3) Age requirement: In principle, not exceeding 35 years old (as of arrival in Japan).
(4) Educational background: Holders of a master’s degree or those expected to obtain one before departing to Japan.
(5) Language: Applicants must demonstrate a strong proficiency in English for independent study and research. If available, please submit a certificate of an English proficiency test.
(6) Others: Applicants must be in good physical and mental health and not currently receiving or planning to receive a scholarship from other organizations.

Application step:
(1) Send the following documents to iro@itb.ac.id by November 30th, 23.59 WIB for the selection process:
a. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree academic transcript
b. English Proficiency Test Certificate (TOEFL / IELTS)
c. Statement Letter (please use this template)
(2) Qualified applicants prepare the scholarship applications and do the online application by December 10th, 2023
(3) IRO will nominate the qualified applicants to AUN/SEED-Net Secretariat
(4) Shortlisting bu Japanese Universities: December 25th, 2023 until early March 2024
(5) Preparation for admission to Japanese Universities
(6) Preparation for Application to “JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Long-Term Participants (KCCP)”
(7) Student Orientation and Enrollment

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