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E4SEA Regional Gender-Inclusive Energy Internship Program Knowledge Exchange: Stock Taking & Best Practices

E4SEA Regional Gender-Inclusive Energy Internship Program Knowledge Exchange: Stock Taking & Best Practices

E4SEA Regional Gender-Inclusive Energy Internship Program Knowledge Exchange: Stock Taking & Best Practices

USAID Enhancing Equality in Energy for Southeast Asia (E4SEA) is delighted to announce the upcoming Year 3 Quarterly South-South Knowledge Exchange titled “E4SEA Regional Gender-Inclusive Energy Internship Program Knowledge Exchange: Stock Taking & Best Practices “on July 31, 2023 at 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Bangkok, UTC +7).

 Please REGISTER HERE.  Kindly note that attendance at Thammasat is free of charge but spaces are limited, so we encourage you to secure your spot early.

For more info, click this link:

Event Infosheet_E4SEA Interns Knowledge Exchange

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