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The Notice of International Students Application for 2024 SWJTU Presidential Scholarship

The Notice of International Students Application for 2024 SWJTU Presidential Scholarship

The Notice of International Students Application for 2024 SWJTU Presidential Scholarship


Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) is a national key university with graduate school directly under the State Ministry of Education, and also a research-oriented university listed among the “Double First-Class Initiative” “211 Project”, “985 Innovative Platforms for Key Disciplines Project” and “2011 Plan”, and equipped with the Graduate School. It is located at Chengdu, which is both a historical city and a national center city. Founded in 1896, SWJTU is one of the first institutions of higher education in engineering in China, and is the home to Chinese higher education in civil engineering, traffic engineering and mining & metallurgical engineering. At present, the university has three campuses – Jiuli Campus and Xipu Campus, as the main campuses, and Emei Campus, covering an area of over 333 hectares.

The university is expert in engineering, has built a fully-fledged training system throughout engineering, science, liberal art and biology with 27 schools, 1 Sino-foreign cooperative school. It has Mechanical Engineering and the Traffic and Transportation Engineering as the first-level national key disciplines, and 10 majors such as the Vehicle Engineering and the Bridge and Tunnel Engineering as the second-level national key disciplines. Besides, it has 18 Doctoral Degree Programs for first-level disciplines, 41 Master Degree Programs for first-level disciplines, and 11 centers for post-doctoral studies. Its Traffic and Transportation Engineering ranks the first (A+) throughout China, and is incorporated into the building sequence of “Double First-Class Initiative”; its Civil Engineering ranks the seventh (A-) throughout China; its Material Science, Engineering Science and Computer Science have ranked the top 1% among the ESI Subject Rankings.

The university has 28,914 full-time undergraduates, 15,053 postgraduates, 2,630 doctoral students, and 536 international students. The university

now has more than 2,700 full-time teachers, including 10 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences (including double appointment), 17 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering (including double appointment), 8 national-level teaching groups, 6 national-level outstanding teachers, and 6 innovation teams at the level of the Ministry of Education. Moreover, the university also employed 50 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as Nobel Prize winners as the part-time (honorary) professors.

The university adheres to the internationalized schooling pattern, and has signed cooperation agreements with 211 universities and research institutions in 59 countries and regions. It also has established the “SWJTU-Leeds Joint School” with the University of Leeds. The study abroad, overseas study tour, and academic visit programs such as “2+2”, “Bachelor and Master 4+1” and “Sino-France 4+4” cover all grades.

Supporting Categories, Duration, Instruction Language and Majors

1. Supporting Categories

Supporting Categories Major Study


Application   Eligibility
Master 3 Be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China and be in good health; should hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, excel in academic performance, and should be generally under the age of 35.
Ph.D. 4 Be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China and be in good health; should hold a master’s degree or equivalent,  excel in academic performance, and should be generally under the age of 40.

Instruction Language

English/Chinese; Students selecting the instruction language of Chinese must provide the certificate of the HSK Level 5 or above; Students who select the instruction language of English and are non-native English speakers must hold excellent English skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and are able to smoothly communicate specialized research with the supervisors and finish the study in English.

Admission Catalogue

Major Category Major Study Year Instruction Language
Structural   Engineering Ph.D. 4 English/Chinese
Vehicle Operation   Engineering Ph.D. 4 English/Chinese
Transportation   Planning and Management Ph.D. 4 English
Information and Communication Engineering Ph.D. 4 English
Control Science and   Engineering Ph.D. 4 English/Chinese
Electrical Engineering Ph.D. 4 English/Chinese
Traffic Engineering Ph.D. 4 English
Geotechnical   Engineering Master/Ph.D. 3/4 English/Chinese
Computer Science and Technology Master/Ph.D. 3/4 English/Chinese
Business   Administration Ph.D. 4 English
Management Science   and Engineering Ph.D. 4 English
Mechanical   Engineering Ph.D. 4 English/Chinese
Architecture Master/Ph.D. 3/4 English/Chinese
Geological   Resources and Geological Engineering Master/Ph.D. 3/4 English/Chinese



Funding Target

Master’s and Ph.D. students who receive their academic education in English or Chinese.

Funding Duration

3 academic years for master students; 4 academic years for Ph.D. students. The specific period of funding shall be subject to the study period determined at the time of admission.

Funding Content and Standard

Including tuition, accommodation, stipend and comprehensive medical insurance. Stipend will be subsidized for 12 months each year and will be paid once a month. The university will provide free on-campus accommodation for full scholarship students according to the availability of international students’ dormitory of that year. If the student’s application for off-campus accommodation is approved, the school will grant financial support on a quarterly basis for 12 months each year. For other related matters, please refer to the second part of NOTES. The funding criteria are shown in Table 1:


Students Category Stipend Accommodation
Master Program RMB 1500/month RMB 500/month
Ph.D. Program RMB 2000/month RMB 500/month

Table 1: Accommodation stipend standard of full scholarship



Application address: https://swjtu.17gz.org/member/login.do

Application fee: CNY 400 (non-refundable)

Application Procedure:

Online Registration:

Visit the website https://swjtu.17gz.org/member/login.do, create a user name and the login password, then enter the application page.

Online Application: Choose “Presidential Scholarship”, apply step by step, check and confirm your information, then submit your application.


Preliminary Review: The International Student Office will conduct a preliminary review of the application materials. The unqualified materials will be returned and students need to submit them again.

Pay Registration Fee: International students need to pay registration fee of CNY400 (non-refundable) online within 3 days after passing the preliminary review.

Waiting for Admission Result:After paying the registration fee online, admission process starts. Please pay attention to your email. Students may be interviewed by the academic school.

Admission: The admission result will come out in July.

Application Materials

  1. Notarized highest diploma: Prospective diploma recipients must submit official proof of student status or expected graduation date by their current school. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
  2. Academic transcripts (in Chinese or English): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
  3. A Study Plan or Research Proposal(in Chinese or English): A minimum of 800 words in Chinese or English.
  4. Recommendation Letters(in Chinese or English): Applicants for Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree programs must submit two recommendation letters in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors of related fields (ONLY 2021 and 2022 letters are accepted).
  5. A Copy of the applicant’s passport: Please carefully plan your passport being valid at least 6 months before the visa is obtained.
  6. Foreigner Physical Examination Form (photocopy): The original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form is uniformly printed by Chinese healthy quarantine departments. It must be written in English.The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the form. Incomplete forms or forms without the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are considered as invalid. Please carefully plan your physical examination schedule as the result is valid for only 6 months.
  7. Students selecting the instruction language of Chinese must provide the certificate of the HSK Level 5 or above; Students who select the instruction language of English and are non-native English speakers must hold excellent English skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and are able to smoothly communicate specialized research with the supervisors and finish the study in English. Please provide the copy of TOFEL, IELTS or other English skill certificate if the applicant has.
  8. Non-Criminal Record Report: Provided by authorities of the country or permanent residence of the applicant (If the applicant is unable to provide this document, as a substitute, the applicant could negotiate with the applied university to sign a non-criminal record commitment).
  9. Applicants under the age of 18 must submit relevant documents about their statutory guardians in China.


For further information

Website: https://en.swjtu.edu.cn

Email : iso@swjtu.edu.cn

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