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AUN-QA International Conference 2023

AUN-QA International Conference 2023

AUN-QA International Conference 2023

Regular phase registration of AUN-QA International Conference 2023 is continued!
We are back with the regular phase registration for the AUN-QA International Conference 2023 which will be held during 6 – 7 September 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.For register, please scan QR code in the picture or visit this link: https://forms.gle/y6NJHo8yGoTf2BYD7Further information can be found at https://www.aunqaic2023.org/Shall there be any further assistant needed, please leave your queries at the ‘contact us’ page in the website or contact through this email aunqaic2023@gmail.comLooking forward to meet you soon in Bangkok!

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