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【PARE Spring School 2023ーKU】

【PARE Spring School 2023ーKU】

Today we are happy to announce that PARE Spring School 2023 will be held (Host University: Kasetsart University) in February 2023 .
(Depending on the COVID -19 infection rate,lecture styles may be changed.)

  * All participants will attend lectures and discussions
  * Communication platform will be announced shortly
  * Participants will join also all field trips during the school

Regarding credits, 2credits for the 2 subjects (SDGs Fieldwork:Spring School in ASEAN III &IV) will be given.

PARE Spring School 2023 certificate will be issued to those who have completed the course.

Spring School in Asean-III

Spring School in Asean-IV

Please note:

➀ 3-4 students from ITB are welcome

➁Participation fee ($150)
*Accommodation will be arranged by KU

➂Please make sure that participants need to attend all lectures and discussion.

Please find the following files (Application guidelines, tentative schedule and the application forms1 and 2) for details.

  1. Application and course guide (Spring2022)
  2. PARE Spring School 2023 schedule(tentative)
  3. PARE-Form-1_Application form
  4. PARE-Form-2_Self-Assessment-Sheet

Application Deadline to IRO ITB:  27 October at 2 p.m WIB. Please send the application forms / documents to IRO ITB (iro@itb.ac.id) and information about the course that could be made equivalent to subject(s) at PARE (please consult your Prodi).

Details information on the website:


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