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Invitation for students to contribute artwork and/or writing to Turn It Around Cards – AUN-EEC edition

Invitation for students to contribute artwork and/or writing to Turn It Around Cards – AUN-EEC edition

Invitation for students to contribute artwork and/or writing to Turn It Around Cards – AUN-EEC edition

Are you an artist or writer from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, or Vietnam? We invite you to participate in a global climate project that is being organized by the “Turn It Around! Cards” team and the ASEAN University Network to make sure that youth voices are heard in climate decision-making rooms. 

If you are under the age of 30, we invite you to send artwork and poetry depicting what changes you hope to see from environmental policy and climate education by November 3. Your artwork and writing will get a chance to be featured in the deck and for your work to be shared with climate stakeholders, including politicians, decision-makers, and world leaders! All selected artists and writers in this collection will get a cash honorarium. For more information, go to turnitaroundcards.org


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