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[Calling for Application] NIMS ICYS Research Fellow

[Calling for Application] NIMS ICYS Research Fellow

The International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS) of the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) is now seeking a few young researchers.
Successful applicants are expected to pursue innovative research on broad aspects of materials science using most advanced facilities in NIMS.
From April 2023, a salary and contract term will be revised.

Annual salary: \ 6 million – (highest rank in Japan) Contract term*:
Initially 3 years, renewed up to 5 years based on annual evaluation.
*If the applicant is already in NIMS as a non-permanent researcher (Post doc et al.), the max contract term depends on work experience at NIMS.
Also, a research grant of 2 million JPY per year will be supplied to each ICYS Research Fellow.
If you are interested, please check the ICYS website below.

ICYS Website (Recruitment)

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