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Meet your partners! Choose France Virtual Meetings – 9th June

Meet your partners! Choose France Virtual Meetings – 9th June

Meet your partners! Choose France Virtual Meetings – 9th June

We are pleased to announce CHOOSE FRANCE, the one and only virtual education fair gathering  French universities both public and private with Indonesian institutions and students.

We are glad to invite you to “Meet Your Partners” event on the 9th of June.

CF22_WebGuideline_Meet Your Partners

By connecting to a special platform, starting from 30 May 2022, you will seize the opportunity to know and identify your potential French partners. Make an appointment request and meet virtually on Thursday 9 June 2022.

Kindly refer to the attached document for further information.

Your participation is free of charge until 15 May 2022, via bit.ly/choosefrancemeetingregistration . Should you need further assistance, please contact choosefrance@ifi-id.com  or  Whats App +62812 8443 5858.

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