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ASEA-UNINET: Call for Bernd Rode Award 2022 open now: Application deadline 1st March 2022

ASEA-UNINET: Call for Bernd Rode Award 2022 open now: Application deadline 1st March 2022

ASEA-UNINET: Call for Bernd Rode Award 2022 open now: Application deadline 1st March 2022

We are pleased to inform you that the Call for the Bernd Rode Award 2022 is open now with submission deadline 1st March 2022.


The Bernd Rode Award is granted to outstanding scientific and higher education collaborations between Austrian and South-East-Asian or Pakistani universities in the framework of ASEA-UNINET and is given in three different categories (junior, senior, project-based).

The award is associated with financial support up to a maximum of 4.500 euros to enhance and extend the research possibilities in the context of collaborations backed by ASEA-UNINET (e.g. travel expenses, research stay).

Basic requirement to submit an application for the Bernd Rode Award 2022:

  • The applicant has participated in a finished or still ongoing ASEA-UNINET research project in the past 5 years (latest dating back to 2017).
  • This project was conducted in cooperation between at least one Austrian ASEA-UNINET member University and at least one ASEA-UNINET member University from South-East-Asia and has been at least partially funded by ASEA-UNINET.
  • Furthermore the project has already produced results that can be presented (e.g. joint publication).

The funds received from the Bernd Rode Award 2022 can be exclusively reinvested in future ASEA-UNINET research projects and collaborations.

ASEA-UNINET_Bernd Rode Award 2022_Call for Award

For further information regarding guidelines, submissions requirements and important dates please see https://asea-uninet.org/scholarships-grants/call-for-bernd-rode-award/ and the file attached.

Submissions are to be sent by email to asea-uninet@oead.at until 1st March 2022.


If you should have any question please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Barbara Karahan (barbara.karahan@oead.at), who is responsible for the administration of the award.

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