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ATU-Net Entrepreneurship starting from 4th Sptember

ATU-Net Entrepreneurship starting from 4th Sptember

Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan.
I am pleased to welcome all of you to this ambitious course starting
from upcoming Saturday morning

1. ZOOM link
Please access to the following ZOOM link based on the time zone written
in the attached
[1] Meeting ID: 996 9571 3510 Passcode: 595531

2. Google Classroom (compulsory)
During this program, all materials and assignments are to be stored in
this Google Classroom.
Please sign up with the following link. In the case you are not able to
access with your school account, please create personal Gmail account
and use it for registration.

3. WhatsApp (optional)
WA group chat is also available for quick chat. Please join.


Syllabus – ATU-Net Entrepreneurship 2021 Sem01

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