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Paris Tech – Intl Admissions – LPDP – Webinar

Paris Tech – Intl Admissions – LPDP – Webinar

Paris Tech – Intl Admissions – LPDP – Webinar

Indonesian students are welcome for admission into a 2-year master level program in ParisTech starting September 2022 . Application process: 1 Juni – 21 September 2021.

Funding from the Indonesian government is available – LPDP scholarship program to which  4 of 7 institutions are eligible. No French level required during the application process.

ParisTech is a consortium of 7 most prestigious French Grandes Ecoles: (1) AgroParisTech, (2) Arts et Métiers, (3) Chimie ParisTech – PSL, (4) Ecole des Pont ParisTech, (5) ESPCI Paris – PSL, (6) Institut d’Optique Graduate School, (7) MINES ParisTech – PSL; which collaborate on joint training, research and innovation projects  in Mathematics & applications; ICT; Life sciences and engineering; Earth sciences & environmental engineering; Physics, Optics; Chemistry; Energy; Materials science, mechanics & material engineering; Industrial engineering; Economics & social sciences, management, statistics.

Learn more about the ParisTech International Admission Program on Monday, 28 June at 16.00 WIB. Register at bit.ly/webinarparistech.

Destinataire webinar ParisTech

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