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Sep 2021 MEXT Scholarship Openings! (Ritsumeikan University)

Sep 2021 MEXT Scholarship Openings! (Ritsumeikan University)

Ritsumeikan University have started recruiting process for overseas applicants who wish to study at one of our graduate schools from September 2021 with the assistance of Japanese Government funded scholarship.

These scholarships, which cover the admission fee, tuition fees, provide a monthly stipend and roundtrip ticket to Japan, are offered by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japanese “Monbukagakusho” (MEXT for short)), and will be made available to students whose applications are approved by MEXT based on a recommendation made by Ritsumeikan University. Ritsumeikan University would be pleased to recommend alumni and/or students from ITB who are scheduled to graduate from their current academic program by September 25th, 2021, who wish to take advantage of this opportunity to undertake postgraduate studies in Japan.

Information about this year’s admission and scholarship application process, along with application procedures and application forms are available on Ritsumeikan University website. This year’s application deadline is January 27th 2021.


Ritsumeikan University 2021 MEXT Scholarship Admissions Notice

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