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Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Program Universitas Airlangga

Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Program Universitas Airlangga

We are pleased to inform you that Universitas Airlangga will hold an international webinar entitled “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on European Union During Pandemic: Current Issues and Upcoming Challenges”. This webinar will discuss how to cope with a pandemic, how to maintain the European Union during a pandemic, and special regulations related to the integration system in European countries. This webinar is free of charge and participants will get an e-certificate upon participation.

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Date: 25 November 2020
Time: 15:00 – 17:00 (GMT+7)
Venue: Zoom Cloud Meeting

Registration Link:

1. Prof. Dr. Hubert Zimmermann (Professor in International Relations, Phillips University Marburg)
2. Dr. Phil. Siti Rochmawati Susanto, S.IP., MIR. (Lecturer at Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Airlangga)
3. Prof. Dr. Kim Van der Borght (Chairman of Asia Pacific Studies at the Brussels Diplomatic Academy, Professor at Faculty of Law Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
4. Dr.IntanSoeparna (Lecturer at Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga)

Agastya Wardhana, M.Hub.Int (Researcher at ASEAN Studies Center Universitas Airlangga)

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