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Bandung YNU exchange (JOY Program)

Bandung YNU exchange (JOY Program)

The starting semesters are April 2021 and October 2021. For students outbound from YNU.

Please note that students need to be nominated by ITB

Required documents for selection process:  
Curriculum Vitae (CV)  
Motivation Letter  
Academic transcript  
English Proficiency, TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS 6.0 or equivalent/ or JLPT N2 or higher

For you who are interested in this program, please submit all the documents above to iro@itb.ac.id  
Nomination Period : October 2, 2020

Please also note that depending on the situation of COVID-19, YNU’s spring and/or fall semesters of 2021 may be cancelled or conducted in altered form. YNU will keep you updated when such decisions are made.

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