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[KDISCHOOL] Scholarship Information for Graduate Degree in Republic of Korea

[KDISCHOOL] Scholarship Information for Graduate Degree in Republic of Korea

The KDI School of Public Policy and Management is an educational institution affiliated with the Korea Development Institute (KDI), a premier government economic think tank for the past 48 years. 

Drawing from the resources of the institute, KDI School provides exceptional education that combines current academic theories with comprehensive and innovative practical research to support the national vision and key policy agendas. 

The academic programs we offer at Master are as follows: 

– Master of Public Policy (MPP) 

– Master of Development Policy (MDP) 

– Master of Public Management (MPM) 

All of Master’s programs have been accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), in 2014 for the MPP, 2017 for the MDP, and 2018 for the MPM respectively. These quality programs received the first NASPAA accreditation ever in Korea, and the second outside the US. 

We would like to inform you the GKS Scholarship program, sponsored by the NIIED (National Institute for International Education) and designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students in the aim of promoting international exchange in education and mutual friendship amongst the participating countries.  

The benefits of GKS scholarship are listed below: 

1) Full-tuition scholarship 2) Monthly allowance (1.000.000 KRW per month) 3) Airfare: Round-trip economy class ticket 4) Medical insurance etc.The application deadline is March 20th, 2020. Please do not miss out on this great scholarship opportunity!

Detailed information regarding the 2019 NIIED Scholarship Program, including benefits, and the admission and qualification process, is uploaded on website (please click the link below).

[Link] https://kdischool.ac.kr/#/admissions/cp/international/niied#top

Should you have any inquiries, please email to internationaladmissions2@kdis.ac.kr

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