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Fully funded PhD Program under ASEAN Fellowship Scheme.

Fully funded PhD Program under ASEAN Fellowship Scheme.

Indian Institutes of Technology Bhilai (IIT Bhilai) is one among the 23 IITs established by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Government of India as Institutes of National Importance. IIT Bhilai is situated in the Central India in the state of Chhattisgarh, which is rich of cultural heritage and well-connected to the other parts of the country by air, rail and road network.

Having gained its nationwide reputation in terms of teaching and research excellence, IIT Bhilai started extending its wing beyond the national boundary. In this regard, IIT Bhilai is offering admissions to fully-funded PhD program for candidates from ASEAN countries as a special rive from the Government of India. Students admitted through this drive will be provided a monthly fellowship of 31,000 INR per month for the first two years and 35,000 INR per month for the next three years.

IIT Bhilai offered admission to four students under the ASEAN fellowship scheme during the last round of application. This will be an excellent opportunity for the students from ASEAN countries to work with the faculty members of global reputation, in a research-centric environment.

The recent newsletter of the institute is also being shared for your information at the following link: https://iitbhilai.ac.in/index.php?pid=newsletter_december_19.

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