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Scholarship to Poland, Ignacy Łukasiewicz

Scholarship to Poland, Ignacy Łukasiewicz

Please find the attached information about the scholarship provided by the Government of Poland, Ignacy Łukasiewicz.

Please kindly circulate this information to your academics civitas.

Eligible Applicants

Foreigners who meet all the criteria listed below at the time of call for applications may apply for the NAWA scholarship for second-cycle studies in Poland under the Programme. Candidates must:

1) be citizens of one of the following countries: Angola, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Colombia, Lebanon, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam or other countries covered by Official Development Assistance (ODA), with the exception of developing countries of Europe and Central Asia. The list of countries whose citizens may apply for a scholarship under the Programme is attached as Appendix no. 1 to these Regulations.

2) not be Polish citizens and must not have applied for Polish citizenship;

3) plan to commence second-cycle studies or a preparatory course in the academic year 2020/21;

4) be students of the last year of first-cycle studies in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences and life sciences at the time of submitting the application to the Programme or have obtained a diploma of completion of first-cycle studies in the above-mentioned fields not earlier than in 2017;

5) not have previously obtained a Master’s degree (second-cycle or uniform Master’s studies). If the two-cycle studies system is not universally in place in the country in which the student has obtained her or his first-cycle studies diploma, it is admissible to accept Applicants who hold a Master’s or equivalent diploma obtained no earlier than in 2017, as well as Applicants who are students of the last year of these studies, conducted in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences and life sciences.

6) not have previously been granted a scholarship under the Programme;

7) speak English at least at the B2 level.

Language competences must be confirmed with a document listed in point 2.5 of these Regulations.

Fields of study eligible for scholarship

Under the Programme, Applicants may receive scholarships to study at HEIs supervised by the minister competent for higher education and science, in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences and life sciences, defined as per the Regulation of the Minister of Higher Education and Science dated 20 September 2018 on fields of study, scientific disciplines and art disciplines (Journal of Laws, item 1818).

The Programme does not offer scholarships for studies in other fields.


Programme applications will be accepted between 3 February and 16 March 2020, by 15:00 Central European Time (local Warsaw time), exclusively in electronic form through the NAWA ICT system accessible at www.nawa.gov.pl. Late applications will not be accepted.

As soon as the application is submitted in the system, its status is changed to “submitted” and the Applicant receives an email with the application’s reference number.

Each Applicant may only submit one application. In the event of submission of more than one NAWA application, only the first one will be evaluated, and the remaining ones will be rejected. Only fully completed applications will be evaluated. Submission of an application is tantamount to Applicant’s acceptance of the Regulations of the Programme.

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