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[TUAT] Application Package for 2020 Semseter

[TUAT] Application Package for 2020 Semseter

[TUAT] Application Package for 2020 Semseter

We would like to share the “2020 Application Package of TUAT” including guidebook, syllabus, topic of research internship etc.

The listed open courses, teachers in charge, and syllabus are current one, and still TUAT have a possibility to change it.

As for scholarships, at the present stage, students have a possibility to get TUAT’s scholarship which is monthly 8,000 yen, but this is not yet confirmed. JASSO scholarship is also undecided, and the possibility of acquiring it is very low for this semester.

2020 Fall IMS Open Course Engi

2020 Fall IMS Research Internship Topic Engi

2020 Fall TUAT IMS Program Engi

A1. Japanese language and culture

A2. Engineering Industrial Training

C1. Summer Overview of Japan

C2. Summer SDGs Workshop

C3. Summer Virtual Manufacturing

A1. Digital Signal Processing

E1. Fundamentals for digital communications

E2. System Modelling And Analysis

E3. Optical Communication System

E4. Electronic Engineering Laboratory

K1 Separation Process

K2 Environmental Engineering and Microbiology

K3 Chemical Reaction Engineering

K4 Chemical Engineering Laboratory

K5 Process Safety&Health

M1 Control Engineering

M2. Mechanics of Machines and Vibration

M3. Mechanical Component Design

M4. Mechanical Systems Engineering Laboratory II

M5. Advances in Mechanical Systems Engineering

M6. Fluid and Thermal Engineering

M7. Human Body Dynamics

P1. Applied Physics Laboratory

S1. Parallel Processing & Computer Network

S2. Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning

student must be nominated by the International Relations Office.

To be nominate,


  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  2. Motivation Letter
  3. Academic transcript
  4. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 79

For you who are interested in this program, please submit all the documents above to the International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, BandungApplication Deadline: 6 March 2020

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