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1st NCHU Summer School for the Environmental Humanities in Asia

1st NCHU Summer School for the Environmental Humanities in Asia

Greetings. It’s an honor to introduce you to the 1st NCHU Summer School for the Environmental Humanities in Asia, featuring the theme of “Imagining Nature in the Anthropocene.” In this five-day event, NCHU invite international as well as local scholars from cross disciplines—including Hannes Bergthaller, Chia-ju Chang, Shiuhhuah Serena Chou, Jon Christensen, Ursula K. Heise, Dolly Jørgensen, Chin-yuan Ke, Yih-ren Lin, Arupjyoti Saikia, and Keijiro Suga—to deliver speeches, run workshops and moderate project presentations with the aim of reimaging the relationship between humans and what we used to call “nature” in the Anthropocene.


NCHU invite graduate students and research fellows from different disciplines to participate in this event. If interested, please send a CV and 250 word abstract of the project you will be presenting via https://controlfreak.life/phlox/application/ by February 28th, 2020

Imagining Nature in the Anthropocene_Call for Applications

1237 159(LPPM.PD-1-01-2019-UMK SPJ AR 14-36.000)

For more details, please check NCHU website https://controlfreak.life/phlox/.

If you have any questions, please email NCHU at eh.summerschool2020@gmail.com.


Contact: Ms. Alice Liao (Assistant, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences)

E-mail: eh.summerschool2020@gmail.com

Office: Rm905, 9th Floor at Teaching Complex Building, NCHU

Address: 145 Xinda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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