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Monthly Archives: December 2019

Beasiswa Program Magister di Jepang dari Okazaki Kaheita Foundation Tahun Akademik 2021

Okazaki Kaheita Foundation menawarkan program beasiswa untuk mahasiswa/alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung untuk melanjutkan studi di universitas-universitas di Jepang dalam program magister (S2) tahun 2021. Syarat Peserta: Warga Negara Indonesia. Tinggal di Indonesia pada tanggal 1 April 2020. Lahir setelah tanggal 2 April 1996. Lulus program sarjana (S1) di ITB sebelum tanggal 31 Maret 2021 dan […]

Exchange Programs 2020-2021[HUSTEP, JLCSP, SAS/SRS] Fall Program

On behalf of Hokkaido University, I am pleased to inform you about the application for exchange programs called HUSTEP (Hokkaido University Short Term Exchange Program) 2020 Fall Program. Please also refer to website: https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/admissions/exchange-student-admissions/ Hokkaido University Fact Sheet 2020-2021 student must be nominated by the International Relations Office. To be nominate, Requirements: Curriculum Vitae (CV) Motivation […]

Hokkaido Summer Institute 2020 [Hokkaido University, JAPAN]

The season for the Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI) is approaching once again! More than 160 world-leading researchers from overseas will gather at Hokkaido University (HU) next summer for the HSI, which was established in 2016 and provides lectures with the university’s faculty members during the summer. Last summer, more than 1,800 students joined the HSI to study a […]

Application Open for Tohoku University Summer Program (TUJP&TUIP)

We are pleased to announce that Tohoku University will be accepting applications to “Tohoku University Japanese Program (TUJP)” and Tohoku University new short program “Immersion in Japan Program (TUIP)” in summer 2020. The latest information is available at Tohoku University official webpages. TUJP: https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/short/tujp/ TUIP: https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/short/tuip/ Please note the nomination & application period differs by program. student […]


Although the winter weather is just beginning and summer seems like a lifetime away, AJOU UNIV have been working tirelessly to create a fascinating program to share the Korea’s explosive influence on Culture and Industry with partners and the world. Through AJOU UNIV intensive and fast-paced two-week program, students will explore the dynamic worlds of […]

Call for Application Chinese: Government Scholarship – AUN Program 2020/2021

Call for Application Chinese: Government Scholarship – AUN Program 2020/2021

We are pleased to announce the call for application of the China-AUN Scholarship (Chinese Government Scholarship – AUN Program) 2020/2021. The China-AUN Scholarship is a full scholarship established by the Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, to sponsor students, teachers, and scholars from ASEAN nations to study in China and to enhance the academic exchange and mutual understanding between China and ASEAN members.  For academic year 2020/2021, there are 30 scholarships available.   Eligibility: […]

TECHsplore Summer at Georgia Institute of Technology

The Georgia Institute of Technology has launched a new program, called TECHsplore Summer, that invites non-degree seeking international students to study at Atlanta, Georgia campus in June-July 2020!  Spots in this program are limited to a select list of invited institutions. TECHsplore Summer is a short-term study opportunity at Georgia Tech for approximately 50 visiting international […]

Call for Nomination – Kyoto University Exchange Program (Fall 2020)

We are pleased to announce the application procedures for the exchange programs starting in Oct 2020 (Fall Semester 2020). 1) Deadline: Nomination – January 24, 2020 (online) Application – February 21, 2020 (online and by postal mail)   2) Application Guideline: https://area34.smp.ne.jp/area/table/19524/bd0zkA/M?S=oelbt2sikfo   3) IMPORTANT: Changes from the last call: – All KUINEP students will […]

Application for Kanazawa University Short-Stay Program 2020-2021

Please find enclosed the guidelines for the applicants and the application forms to Kanazawa University Short-Stay Program 2020-2021. More information aboutthe program: http://kuglobal.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/eg/sie/program/kanazawa-university-short-stay-program-2020-2021-ku-ssp/ student must be nominated by the International Relations Office. To be nominate, Requirements: Curriculum Vitae (CV) Motivation Letter Academic transcript TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT […]

Erasmus+ A4U Spanyol

The Alianza 4 Universidades (4 Universities Alliance, A4U) is a strategic partnership between four leading Spanish public universities: the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Alliance 4 Universities has been awarded funds under Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme (Action […]