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The 8th ASEAN Student Leaders Forum and the 4th AUN Student Affairs Network Meeting

The 8th ASEAN Student Leaders Forum and the 4th AUN Student Affairs Network Meeting

Please kindly be informed that the registration for the 8th ASEAN Student Leaders Forum and the 4th AUN Student Affairs Network Meeting at Chiang Mai University, Thailand is OPEN!!
Please complete the online application form at https://bit.ly/2oh9uNJ together with required documents by 15 December 2019.
In addition, below please find information about pre-assignment.
ASLF:  Students are required to write a paper (length 500-1000 words) regarding the roles of student leader in their university in raising the awareness among college and university students with consideration of cross-border collaboration with other student organizations in other countries. The paper can include the current and future plans in your university in preserving and sustaining the environment, opportunities, challenges, and cooperation from various sectors. Please submit the pre-assignment along with the application form by 15th December 2019.
AUN-SAN: Participants in AUN-SAN Meeting are expected to submit a presentation file
regarding their university’s best practice about encouraging their students to become world
citizens. The presentations will be the fundamental information in sharing session of AUN-SAN.
Please submit the pre-assignment along with the application form by 15th December 2019.

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