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Monthly Archives: January 2018

Summer Schools at RWTH Aachen University – Scholarships available

2018 Summer Schools in Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.   Every year, RWTH Aachen University organize Summer Schools for students from all around the world. The programs are designed for undergraduate students of mechanical engineering or related subject areas, who want to experience German engineering and student life at one of Europe’s leading technical universities. […]

Scholarship in Hungary; Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program founded by the Hungarian government that is available for international students from Indonesia and to the degree programs offered to international students at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary. The Stipendium Hungaricum Program aims to promote cultural understanding, economic and cultural relations between Hungary and other countries. The program […]

UNSW Engineering Roadshow (22 Februari 2018)

UNSW akan mengadakan ‘UNSW Engineering Roadshow 2018’, yang rencananya akan diselenggarakan pada: Tanggal                 : 22 Feb 2018 Jam                       : 13.00 – 17.00 Lokasi                   : Hilton Hotel, Bandung Rubix & Dao Room Jl. HOS. Tjokroaminoto No. 41, Bandung Pada event ini akan diadakan seminar antara lain: 13.00 – 14.00: Make a Global Impact by Engineering Your […]

WU International Cultural Camp 2018

The 2nd Walailak University Cultural Camp 2018 (WUCC2018) in the theme of “In Honour of HRH Princess Chulabhorn Walailak: Cultures without Borders”. The camp will be held between 16th – 23rd June 2018 at Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province and Bangkok, Thailand. WUCC2018 aims to promote a global students’ network among 160 international participants (100 non-Thai citizens and 60 Thai […]

SEAMEO Internship Programme for Students 2018

SEAMEO Internship Programme for Students The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is a chartered intergovernmental organization established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science and culture in the region. SEAMEO develops and nurtures the capacities of teachers and school managers in Southeast Asia through its […]

TU Berlin Summer School

Spend your summer in Berlin, the cultural heart of Europe! Take part in our unique academic and cultural program and be a part of TU Berlin international network of students. TU Berlin summer schools in 2018 include courses such as Satellite Design, Acoustical Engineering, 3D Scanning and Printing and the Start-up Crash Course. Expand your […]

International Visiting Internship Student Program (IVISP) – HKUST

To promote diversity, the University provides sponsorship to selected international visiting interns under the International Visiting Internship Student Program. The International Visiting Internship Student Program supports qualified candidates from institutions outside Hong Kong to come to HKUST to engage in the research work under the supervision of top-notch faculty for a period of 2 – […]

The International Summer School (ISS) program at the University of Seoul (UOS)

The International Summer School (ISS) program at the University of Seoul (UOS) was first established in 2000, and it has provided international students with a great opportunity to learn about Korean culture and tradition. Reorganized in 2005, the International Summer School (ISS) has been receiving an increased amount of funds from the Seoul Metropolitan Government […]

Japanese Language Program Summer 2018 / Meiji University (Tokyo, JAPAN)

Meiji University are pleased to announce, Japanese Language Program for international students in summer 2018. The application period is February 1 – March 12, 2018.   URL: http://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/programs/mjlp/summer.html  (ENG) http://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/programs/mjlp/jp/summer.html  (JPN)   【Program Period】 July 17 – August 2, 2018 (17 days)   【Scholarship】 Japanese Language Program has been selected as one of Student Exchange […]