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2017 POSTECH Open Lab Program

2017 POSTECH Open Lab Program

POSTECH Open Lab Program is now open.

2017 POSTECH Open Lab Program offers great opportunities for students to experience POSTECH’s research facilities and the unique Korean culture and language.

Please note that only eligible applicants will be considered for the participation of the program and the final selection will be determined by the faculty of Department.

  1. Date: July 3 (Mon) ~ July 28 (Fri), 2017 (4 weeks)
  1. Requirements

– Currently enrolled 3rd year undergraduate students

– Science and Engineering Majors

– CGPA of ‘B+’ or above

– TOEFL iBT 79, IELTS 6.0 or above


  1. Application Documents
  1. Official transcript (in English)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 100
  4. Motivation Letter


  1. Scholarship: KRW 500,000
  1. Transferring Credits for Research

For the 4 week research participation, students will be given a grade of S (Satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) for the course of <Research Participation for International Exchange Students> (Course No. RPES 400, 1 credit).

     6. Application Deadline

Please submit the requirements above to the International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung due to 29 March 2017, at 14.00 WIB, for further selection process.

       7. Research Participation
Students must visit the POSTECH website and find a research field or professor of interest. They must find 3 professors from the respective department and submit the attached research plan in detail.
       8. Cultural Activities
Open Lab Program participants will be invited to various cultural activities every week such as experiencing modern and traditional Korea. The schedule will be announced to participating students by the end of May. All expenses for cultural activities will be paid for by International Relations.

       9. Korean Language Class
POSTECH Language Education Center (POSLEC) will offer regular Korean classes for all students participating in the 2017 POSTECH Open Lab Program. We strongly encourage participants to take the 4 week complimentary Korean language class (non-credit bearing class).

       10. Housing
Students will be generally assigned to DICE (Dormitory for International Cultural Exchange). For the 4 week stay, students will pay the housing fee in a lump sum (approx. KRW 100,000) upon their arrival at POSTECH.
– Check-In: July 1 (Sat) ~ July 2 (Sun), 2017 (TBD)
– Check-Out: July 29, 2017 (Sat)
* Prepaid housing fees will not be refunded for participants who check-out early.
* Meals not included.

      11. Visa
All participants must obtain the short-term study visa (D-2-8) from a Korean Consulate or Embassy. Please consult your nearest Korean Consulate or Embassy for visa requirements.

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