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Conference Invitation, Bulgaria 2017

Conference Invitation, Bulgaria 2017

Conference Invitation, Bulgaria 2017

The International Scientific Events 2017, to be held in Hotel “Royal Castle”, Elenite on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (EU).

Conferences in June
Agriculture & Food, 5th International Conference (20-24 Jun) Read more
Ecology & Safety, 26th International Conference (23-27 Jun) Read more
Materials, Methods & Technologies, 19th International Conference (26-30 Jun) Read more

Conferences in September
Economy & Business, 16th International Conference (1-5 Sep) Read more
Education, Research & Development, 8th International Conference (4-8 Sep) Read more
Language, Individual & Society, 11th International Conference (7-11 Sep) Read more

Annually the events connect scientists and researchers from over 40 countries.
The papers presented will be published in open-access journals, part of International Scientific Publications.
Certificate of publication and presentation will be provided.

Organized by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Science & Education Foundation and partners.

International Scientific Events, Bulgaria

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