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2017 Korean Government Scholarship Program

2017 Korean Government Scholarship Program

University of Seoul would like to inform you regarding the 2017 Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) Application for graduate guideline.

The Univ. of Seoul was selected by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) to recommend excellent students to apply for the KGSP.

If students are selected, they will receive various scholarship from the NIIED such as round airfare, monthly stipened (900,000 KRW), a settlement fee (200,000 KRW) and free insurance.


Attached, please find the application guideline and promote this program.


Application is from February 6 (Monday) to March 7 (Tuesday), 2017. All necessary documents should be arrived by that time.


For further information about the KGSP, please visit to the NIIED website.



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