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Monthly Archives: August 2016

IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electronics ,Comp and Computer Technology (ICAECCT) at RSCOE, Pune, Republic of India

Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering(RSCOE) is organizing “IEEE International Conference on Advances  in  Electronics, Communication  and   Computer  Technology (ICAECCT)” on December 2 and 3, 2016. The conference contains various technical programs such as Insightful Keynote , Speeches, Technical exhibitions, Tutorials of Emerging Ideas and Oral Presentations in Multiple Tracks. Please find the attached Brochure of […]

The Sumitomo Foundation about FY2016 Japan-related research grant program

FY2016 Japan-Related Grant Research  Program to our URL: http://www.sumitomo.or.jp/e/index.htm Please check your document before sending it to Sumitomo. If not, you have to correct and re-sending them by the end of October after receiving such incorrect applications, because Sumitomo can not accept these incorrect applications. 1) “Subject of Research Project” is suitable for Japan-Related Research […]

Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science 2017

Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science is designed for undergraduate students to study the concept of Human Security Development (HSD) and Energy Science. The main theme of this seminar is energy development, which is an important issue in Human Security Development. The participating students are expected to deepen their knowledge on human security development and […]

[Tokyo Tech] Information on Japanese Government Scholarships 2017

Japanese Government Scholarship programs for those students who are planning on earning their degrees at Tokyo Tech. Successful applicants can start their study from September 2017. Tokyo Tech offers the following two programs to which graduate-level students can apply. Interested students can apply to either of these programs, but it is not possible to apply […]