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Missouri University of Science and Technology – information and invitation to host ITB student

Missouri University of Science and Technology – information and invitation to host ITB student

Missouri University of Science and Technology would like to invite ITB student for the exchange program under GE3 scheme, bellow is some material for students:

Missouri S&T Global E3 Fall 16

Missouri S&T Welcomes Exchange Students

As you may know Missouri University of Science and Technology have very strong engineering programs ( recently ranked the #3 Engineering University in the United States by USA Today), but Missouri University of Science and Technology also have outstanding programs in the sciences, business, humanities, and social sciences. Students can take courses in their field of study, but are also welcome to take classes across disciplines as long as you meet the prerequisites for the course.

Besides the exceptional educational opportunities, Missouri S&T is located in a quiet, safe, and affordable town centrally located in the Midwest.

How to apply??

please follow this webpage Global E3



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