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Call for Application: Joint Supervision Single Master’s Degree Programme

Call for Application: Joint Supervision Single Master’s Degree Programme

The ASEAN University Network – Kyoto University (AUN-KU) Student Mobility Program toward Human Security Development aims to form an academic consortium and to develop new generations of global leaders who actively work for academic institutions, global entrepreneurs, governmental bodies or international institutions.

The “Joint Supervision Single Master’s Degree Programme” is one of the programmes in the consortium which offers master’s degree students from AUN Member Universities an opportunity to conduct research and complete a thesis under the joint supervision of professors from their home university and form Kyoto University in 3 related fields: “Food and Water Resources,” “Environment and Energy,” and “Public Health.”

The research work at Kyoto University must start after 1 June 2016 end before 28 February 2017.  The duration of stay in Kyoto should be 3-6 months.  Submission of application to the AUN Secretariat is required to be at least four months prior to the desired start of their stay in Kyoto.

05 Statement of purpose (Form3)

Invitation Letter

01 Application_Guideline_singledegree_201601

02 List of Lab

03 HSD application docs (Form1)

04 HSD application docs (Form2)

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