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The INPEX SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION was founded on March 26, 1981 with a Jp¥500,000,000 donation by then Indonesia Petroleum Co. Ltd (now INPEX CORPORATION.) It was set up in commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the company in order to promote mutual understanding, friendship and goodwill through an exchange of students by means of scholarship awards.

 The main function of the program is twofold:the awarding of scholarships to promising Indonesian youths, who have graduated from a university in Indonesia, are presently resident there, and who wish to study subjects in the fields of natural science in a Graduate School of a university in Japan for a Master’s Degree, as well as to award scholarships to Japanese youths who wish to study in Indonesia. The total funds donated by INPEX CORPORATION amounted to Jp¥861,742,900 as of August 1, 2015.

More information for ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHOLARSHIPS and Application Form

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