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Monthly Archives: September 2015

KDI School Spring 2016 Admissions

KDI School of Public Policy and Management has fu1l and Partial Scholarship opportunities available for outstanding individuals from Indonesia For Spring 2016 admissions. With this scholarship opportunity, KDI offering the following programs: Master of Public Policy (MPp) Master of Development policy (MDp) Master of Public Management (MpM) Ph.D, in Public Policy (pp) Ph.D. in Development […]

POSTECH Open Lab Program

POSTECH Open Lab Program will be opened this winter session. The program offers a great opportunity for students to experience POSTECH’s research facilities and the unique Korean cultures. POSTECH Open Lab Program Date: January 18 ~ February 5, 2016 (3weeks) Scholarship: KRW 700,000 Requirements: Currently enrolled junior students majoring in Science & Engineering fields Research […]

Presentasi Studi di Belanda dari Nuffic Neso Indonesia

Nuffic Neso Indonesia adalah organisasi non-profit yang ditunjuk resmi dan didanai oleh pemerintah Belanda untuk menjadi perwakilan pendidikan tinggi Belanda di Indonesia. Direktur Nuffic Neso Indonesia, Bapak Mervin Bekker, akan datang ke ITB untuk melakukan presentasi mengenai ‘Studi di Belanda’ pada jadwal berikut: Hari/tanggal: Selasa, 22 September 2015 Waktu: 12.00 – 13.00 WIB Tempat: Ruang […]

Presentasi Studi di Belanda dari Nuffic Neso Indonesia

Title: Presentasi Studi di Belanda dari Nuffic Neso Indonesia Location: Ruang Multimedia 9311, Labtek VI lt. 1, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung Link out: Click here Description: Nuffic Neso Indonesia adalah organisasi non-profit yang ditunjuk resmi dan didanai oleh pemerintah Belanda untuk menjadi perwakilan pendidikan tinggi Belanda di Indonesia. Direktur Nuffic Neso Indonesia, Bapak […]

Konkuk International Winter Program (KWIP) Jan 4th-15th 2015

Konkuk University’s 2015 Konkuk International Winter Program (KIWP) at Seoul Campus this upcoming winter. This two-week program provides excellent cultural and academic experience of Korea with hands-on care of administrative support from Konkuk university to those International students participating in KIWP. The KIWP is perfect for those who would like to really get to know Korean […]

Invitation to the third international conference on Inclusive Innovation and Innovative Management

VRU cordially invite you, your organization and your colleagues and welcome academic papers from you, your colleagues to the third international conference on inclusive innovation and innovative management, ICIIIM 2015.  The ICIIIM 2015 Conference encourages submission of papers for presentation from all interested professionals which may have a focus on either research studies or case studies […]

Presentation from The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Title: Presentation from The University of Auckland, New Zealand Location: Room 9211, East GKU, 2nd Floor, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung Link out: Click here Description: Delegation from The University of Auckland will visit ITB and give presentation about study in New Zealand and The University of Auckland on the following schedule: Day/Date: Friday, […]

Beasiswa DAAD "Biodiversity & Health"

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) telah membuka program beasiswa penelitian baru “Biodiversity & Health” untuk S3 dan Postdocs tahun keberangkatan 2016. Program ini merupakan program beasiswa tematik, yaitu DAAD menawarkan delapan (8) tema penelitian untuk tiga (3) tipe beasiswa: Beasiswa Doktoral di Jerman (Type A), Beasiswa Doktoral di Indonesia (Type B) dan Beasiswa Postdocs di […]